Find your purpose daily and live life to the fullest and never give up.
(M.D. Eger)
What is Purpose?
Purpose simple means knowing the reason “WHY” you are born, and what you are created to achieve on earth all the days of your life.
Mind you our purpose on earth is linked to solving the problems of others. When we find creative solutions to their problems, we discover our purpose, we find ourselves. By serving others spiritually, mentally, physically, and emotionally in our purpose, we help others to live their best and also find their purpose.
Everyone is born for a purpose, but not everyone lives their purpose, not everyone discovers their purpose of existence because most people were born but never tried to discover the reason for being born.
5 Tips for Finding Your Purpose in Life
1. Know who created you: Jeremiah 1:5 God told Jeremiah before you were formed I know you. Knowing and working closely with the God who created us helps us find our purpose.
2. Know who you are: After knowing God who created you and gave you life, you need to know yourself, by knowing what you do best, and what you don’t struggle to achieve.
3. Create a vision board of yourself: After knowing yourself, write down your vision and goals, draft strategies on how you can achieve them by serving humanity.
4. Study and develop your skills base on your vision path: Develop yourself mentally, physically, and spiritually.
5. Reach out to the wider world: Start by using your skills to solve your problem, friends, and close relatives’ life issues base on your vision.
Your purpose is a tool that determines your success, achievement, and excellence in life, you cannot achieve or live an excellent life when you don’t find your God-given purpose. Your life purpose is your contribution to humanity.
Some people feel hesitant about pursuing their life purpose because they worry that it sounds like a self-serving or selfish quest.
However, true purpose is about recognizing your own gifts and using them to contribute to the world. Those gifts could be singing beautiful music for others to enjoy, helping friends solve problems, or simply bringing more joy into the lives of those around you. Your purpose determines what your achievement will be in life in a few years from now.
Start finding your purpose because that is the only way you can live life to the fullest. Make sure as you live, don’t give up on God and yourself.
Let love and peace rule our hearts.
Be purpose-driven.
Be vision-minded.
Article by: ©Ishaku Nenfort Bwangzum
Regional Coordinator, North Central Region, CYMI
Photos: Joana Abreu and Mark Fletcher-Brown
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