
Our vision is to raise high-flyers with integrity, capable of standing out in the global world.


Our Mission is to raise intellectually sound and morally upright global high-flyers through well-structured mentorship and training.

Our Objectives

  1. To teach the principles of leadership, thereby raising competent youth leaders who will work effectively at various levels of leadership.
  2. To offer diverse opportunities for self-development through training and mentorship.
  3. To guide on the essentials of financial and time management by teaching our protegees constructive use of time, balance and priorities, budget making, planning, etc
  4. To help our protegees understand and commit themselves to a high level of ethics and moral living.
  5. To help our protegees explore their talents, maximize their potentials, and develop a sound perspective while choosing a career or vocation.
  6. To help our protegees grow in self-confidence, self-acceptance, and a good self-image.
  7. To guide our protegees to adopt a philosophy of minimizing waste, maximizing the use of limited resources, and giving to the less privileged.
  8. To offer our protegees opportunities for interaction through community forums.
  9. To help our protegees understand their individual needs, thereby creating a platform for healthy family relationships.
  10. To offer opportunities for counseling and mentorship.
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