Acquiring Vital Competencies and Soft Skills for the Labour Market – Achievement Orientation (Series 1)
When one is preparing for employment, it is a vital requirement that you have added competencies as an advantage over and above expected knowledge and skills by your employers.
One of such competencies is Achievement Orientation.
What then is Achievement Orientation or being Achievement Orientated?
It means being or having the drive and passion to accomplish goals, excel in everything you do, and become successful. The kind of person who falls within this category is always striving to improve his or her work and become more efficient.
These are people who want to see results and go beyond expectations above-set organization goals.
ACHIEVEMENT ORIENTATION is a learnable skill that belongs to Emotional intelligence otherwise known as Emotional Quotient, EQ
And by EQ we mean the ability to understand, use, and manage your own emotions in positive ways such that you are able to communicate effectively with your employers or fellow employees and also able to overcome challenges associated with your organization.
✓ Being able to handle criticism
✓ Being able to move on after making a mistake
✓ Being able to handle workload and pressure
✓ Being able to say No when you need to
✓ Being able to share your feeling with others and handle crisis
These and many other competencies are skills and knowledge that when you master, make you highly recommendable.
How can you develop this competency?
✓ You need a good motivational coach or mentor
Motivation is a powerful tool you can fuel on a daily basis that will help you remember your values and goals.
Achievement orientation is a skill, it can be taught. A good coach needs to help you learn how you can identify your motivations and remove your internal blocks like low self-esteem and challenging assumptions.
The right coach can support you through your strategic planning journey, helping you to create motivation for growth, and exploration, gain focus, set new goals, and create new habits.
An achievement orientated person will look forward to:
✓ Learning the new and improving the old
✓ Fostering excellence
✓Accepting new challenges
✓Knowing how to calculate risk
✓Encouraging feedback
✓Going out of your comfort zone
✓Being open to innovations
✓ Daring to explore
If you can set goals and keep track records of how you are doing and take steps to attain this goal in the right direction and balance, then you have a sellable advantage for employment.
Written By. Pastor Akan Akpan
© 2022 Copyright Christian Youth Mentoring Initiative. All Rights reserved
Photo: Bruce Mars [Unsplash]
Christian Youth Mentoring Initiative provides opportunities for mentorship, leadership training, growth, and development of youths. Our vision is to raise well-balanced youths, high flyers, focused, and capable of standing out in the global world. Email us:
Christian Youth Mentoring Initiative (CYMI)
Christian Youth Mentoring Initiative (CYMI)
Christian Youth Mentoring Initiative (CYMI)
Christian Youth Mentoring Initiative (CYMI)
Christian Youth Mentoring Initiative (CYMI)
Christian Youth Mentoring Initiative provides opportunities for mentorship, leadership training, growth, and development of youths. Our vision is to raise well-balanced youths, high flyers, focused, and capable of standing out in the global world. Email us: